Here you will find all our tools listed below on the right side of this page by type and category. Click on the category listed in blue beneath the tool type.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

General Meeting 5/15/2023


Julie Nordan called the meeting to order at 10:26 am.

Board members present: Julie Nordan, Colleen Fay, Pat Parry and Sharon Hoffman

Colleen Fay read the minutes of the last General Meeting held on 1/30/2023. The minutes were

motioned, seconded and voted by the members as approved as written.

Chairs Report:

Tools—Vicki Gibbs asked for the count of how many Tool committee members. There are 18

members in the Tool Committee at the present time. Closing time for the tools on Monday will be

1:15 pm for Scan N Cut and most of the die cutting machines with the remainder stowed at 1:30 pm

according to Sandy Diller.

It was motioned by Vicki Gibbs, seconded by Denise Power and voted by the Club members

to buy replacement equipment for Tool Equipment. The money for this expenditure will come from

money received from a donation of a departed member in lieu of the Club's treasury fund.

Social chair Patsy Wiese announced the Christmas Party will be a brunch held Dec. 4th


Holiday Card Project by Pat Parry. 1500 cards have been created. Pat mentioned that she

was going to talk to the card designers about having more of the card elements be created by the

committee members in working sessions as opposed to the designers doing the bulk of the work.

Donna Grove reported that 72 cards were given to the Quilters Club.

Sue Krenz reported that members have stepped forward to monitor.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

Chapter 12 Sect 6.1

Every member must monitor once per year unless exempt from the Board due to certain

circumstances. Robin Rushton motioned, seconded by Tammy Lundeen and voted by the club to

accept this change. Only those exempt are Tool committee members.2

Chapter 12 Sec 3.4

Annual Election for officers will be the 2nd

Monday in Dec due to the present Treasurer

handing over the books and preparing budget for upcoming year with incoming Treasurer.

Chapter 13

New Donations Chair Robin Rushton will be the Donations Chair and will make decisions on

donated craft items and head the clubs Craft Exchange.

Mentors Chair presently headed by Karen Lowry will be discussed for further study. The

present position for mentors will be open for discussion and voted on after further examination.

Motion by Robin Rushston and seconded by Pat Parry.

Club Boutique

Pat Parry announced that a W9 must be filled out by all Boutique members. Checks will be

issued quarterly instead of monthly to those members. Boutique members must monitor at least 3

times a year as well as once at the Club desk to be in good standing.

Webmaster (Publicity Chair)

Only a Policy Change but the eBlast will be changed to Publicity Chair. No changes in

current personnel. Motion made by Robin Rushton, seconded by Sandy Diller and voted aye and

general andby the Club.

Club Express

A new website which will be easier to sign up for classes, look up members but all members

will have to have a password. $150 to set up and $384 for the year, We are currently using an

outdated website ($240). Other clubs at The Grand are using this website. More on this in the

future. Decision on this will be made sometime in the Fall.

Art Fusion Fall Fest Artwalk will be held November 11


2023 according to Charlotte

McFarland. Volunteers will be needed to show off our crafts. See Ann Lamotte and Charlotte.

President asked for new members in the last 3 months stand to be recognized.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 am . Motioned by Sandy Diller and seconded by Treedah Magee

PAM – General Meeting 1/30/23


Robin Rushton Called the meeting to order at 10:57 am.  She acknowledged the new members present.

Board Members Attending: Julie Nordan, Robin Rushton, Colleen Fay, Vicki Gibbs, Pat Parry.

Julie Nordan provided brief synopsis of minutes from the last General Meeting on 12/5/22. Sandy Diller made motion to approve the minutes, Treedah Magee seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Suzanne Comitz, Nominating Chair, announced the nominees for office.     No additional nominees, slate was affirmed.  Sharon Hoffman elected Secretary for the term 2023 (filling in for slot vacated by Julie Nordan); Robin Rushton elected to Member at Large for the term 2023-2024; and Julie Nordan elected President for the term 2023-2024.  Colleen Fay, Vice President continues her 2022-2023 term.  Pat Parry, Treasurer, starts a new 2 year term 2023-2024.


2022 Final Budget

          Pat Parry passed out copies of budget. Reviewed all lines of budget. Already at 150 members! Explained the concept of pass through (the amount of income is equal to the amount of money spent). Reviewed why she was asking for cash payment instead of checks – anything over 100 transactions per month is 0.50 per transaction.

Julie Nordan mentioned that the new website should be considerably less than the $2250 amount budgeted, but we do not have a definite figure yet.

 Pat Parry made motion to approve budget as stated.  Denise Power 2nd motion.  Motion carried.


Chair Reports:

Tools: Mary McGillis.  Total number of members now is 150.  Total number on Tool Committee – 15.  Several new members have signed up for the tool committee – THANK YOU.  Need more ladies to sign up. If a member is not comfortable, they should sign up with a more experienced member.  It is a  great way to learn how to use the tools. In addition, there are other jobs available that the committee does, such as cataloging new stamps/dies.  If you monitor at the Tool table that meets your Monitoring obligation. See Mary if you would like to volunteer.

If there is no monitor scheduled there will be no tools available that day.

 Pat Parry mentioned the committee has  15 members, which is 75 slots, so each of them monitor 5 times in a year.  We need more volunteers. New Arrivals on Website will showcase new stamps/dies just being put into service.

Membership: Sue Squires & Kathy Jerard.  15 new members since January 2. Please see them for name badges.

Monitoring: Feb monitor slots all filled. Remember to re-swipe in if you are doing pm monitoring session so that you get credit.

Ambassadors: New chair, Denise Power

Charity – Donna Grove: please continue making cards. Will need also cards for kids, Meal on Wheels, overseas Service Folks.

Publicity – Kathy Soderholm. If you have not renewed membership by the end of February, you will be taken off the eblast list.  She needs someone to write a blurb for Grand Lifestyle magazine.  Jane Connors does all our graphic designs.

Donations: please let Robin Rushton know if you can assist with intake of donations & sorting at end of each club meeting.  

Christmas Card Project: Pat Parry

                Getting a slow start since busy with tools inventory/ new tools.  Stay tuned.   Pat will have a sign-up sheet for when we do get started on this project. Anticipating making 1400 cards for Christmas card project this year.

New Business:

                Cards for Kindness – Sharon Hoffman will coordinate with Donna Grove. These cards should be A2 cards with a generic sentiment inside such as Thinking of You or Happy Birthday. No sympathy cards needed. She will collect & send off to this organization in Gilbert.  Also, would like to take some to Assisted living/Nursing Homes.  She is offering to hold an envelope class & can provide an instructional handout.


Meeting adjourned at 11:30.

Submitted by Julie Nordan after adjournment



Sunday, January 22, 2023

General Meeting Minutes 12-5-22

 12-5-22 PAM General Meeting

Robin called the meeting to order. She said we only need 20 members for a quorum and we have 107.

She mentioned that the Board met on November 19 th & voted to keep the annual dues at $20 per year

with a reduction to $10 for the 4 th quarter of 2023.

Pat Parry made the motion to propose $20 annual dues for 2023 with a reduction to $10 for the 4 th

quarter. No questions or discussion on this topic. Sharon Hoffman seconded the motion.

The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. No member opposed it.

Robin made a motion to close the General Meeting.

Monday, December 12, 2022

A Fun Time Was Enjoyed by All


Holiday Party - Paper Arts and Memories 2022

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