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Board Approved Changes to Bylaws and Rules

 12.0 Chartered Clubs Specific Additions to the Board Approved CC P&P

Below are the additions for the Paper Arts and Memories CC

Paper Arts and Memories Chartered Club. The purpose of the club is to promote interest in the preservation of memories. The Club will provide opportunities in the art of:  Scrapbooking, Rubber Stamping, Card Making, and Paper Crafting.


Chapter 2.0 General Information

2.1 5User of Member Personal Information:  Club lists are for internal use only. Under no circumstances may they be used for commercial or other inappropriate uses. At the present time, CAM does not allow National Affiliated Groups to be housed in any SCG facility on a regular basis. Thus, any representative of scrapbook/rubber stamping materials may not openly solicit their products at any organized meeting. However, this does not prohibit the representative from discussing their products with members and taking orders from members, if the member approaches them. The representative may deliver products previously purchased by members, and if giving a class, may offer additional products for sale.

2.1 8 Reimbursement by CC : All expenditures by the Club or any member on behalf of the Club must have appropriate receipts and invoices covering all such transactions, shall be submitted to the Treasurer within 60 days and shall be kept by the Treasurer as part of the Club’s financial records. The Executive Board shall designate not less than two Executive Board members as persons authorized to sign checks drawn on the Club’s bank account(s), preferably the Treasurer and the President.

2.21 Financials:  The Executive Board shall prepare an annual budget to be presented to the General Membership at a regularly schedule membership meeting. The Club shall maintain such checking and/or savings bank accounts approved by the SCGCA as may be necessary in the opinion of the Executive Board to properly conduct the Club’s business. All cash receipts shall be deposited in one or more of said accounts.

2.2 3 Payment for Unbudgeted Expenses:    Unbudgeted single expenditures not to exceed $500.00 must be approved by the Executive Board in its discretion. Unbudgeted single expenditures in excess of $500.000 must be approved by a majority vote of those present at a general membership meeting.

2. 4Books and Records Inspection:  The Club’s financial records may be audited by qualified persons or organizations at the discretion of the Executive Board, a majority vote of the Club Membership or the Activities Director.

2.5 Eligibility: There shall be no precondition for membership, other than the mandatory handicap requirements, nor will members be required to join any national, state or regionally affiliated organizations.

2.6 Dues:  Annual dues in an amount recommended by the Executive Board and approved by membership vote are payable in advance. Timely payment of dues by each member shall be required for membership in good standing.

Chapter 3.0 Chartered Club Executive Board

3.1 Officers: There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & At Large member.  The Executive Board shall have overall governing authority over the Club consistent with the provisions of these bylaws and shall authorize all committees necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Club. The Executive Board may be assisted by the Chairperson of such committees necessary to carry out the Club’s function and purpose. To facilitate continuity of the Board, the President and Treasurer and At-large member would be elected in the odd year for office. The Vice President, and Secretary would be elected in the even years for office.

3.3 Duties and Responsibilities:

President:  The President shall:


·         carry out the direction and policies established by the Executive Board,

·         act as principle liaison between the club and the Association,

·         appoint members of all committees that have been authorized by the Board, and also appoint the chairpersons of such committees,

·         ensure that the Club Officers and Directors read and understand the Association Charter Club Rules, Regulations and Procedures.

In the event of vacancies on the Executive Board, the President shall:

·         appoint, with Executive Board approval, interim replacement Executive Board members until official elections can be held.

Vice President: The Vice President shall:


·         perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned, with Executive Board approval, from time to time by the President.

Secretary:  The Secretary shall:

·         keep the club records, including a yearly list of which members have monitored,

·         issue notices of all meetings of the Executive Board or General Membership,


·         conduct all correspondence relating to the Club’s business,

·         furnish whatever reports to the Association or other persons or organizations as may be required.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall:

·         receive and deposit all monies due to the Club,

·         pay all obligations that may be incurred by the Club in the regular course of its business,

·         keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions,

provide financial reports as may be required to CAM and when requested at meetings of the Executive Board or General Membership.

At Large Member:   The At Large Member shall provide continuity, advice and counsel to the Board, and as a member of the Executive Board, may vote on Board issues.

3.4 Nominations for CCEB: Election committee responsibilities.

The Election Committee is responsible for:

·         handling the complete election process,

·         obtaining at least one candidate for each office,

·         providing to the membership a written notification for the need for candidates at least 45 days in advance of the election,

·         submitting a list of candidates to Executive Board for publication to the General Membership 30 days prior to election.

Candidates must submit names in writing to the Election Committee. Nominations made to the Election Committee must be confirmed in writing with the nominee prior to adding to the ballot. Deadline for   nominations to be established by the Election Committee. Candidates will run for designated Club Board positions (i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member At Large.

Accepted Method of Voting

Written Ballot. Election Committee will create a ballot. It must contain all candidate names and offices. All ballots must be number controlled and handed out to the membership at the Election meeting or other method as approved by the Activities Director. If there is only one person running for each office, we do not need a written ballot. However, if more than one person runs for any office, then a written ballot is necessary. This slate of officers will be presented to the membership 30 days prior to the election. The Election shall occur at the last Monday of January unless changed by the Club Board.

Election Process

 Instructions for Election Committee. Elect a chairman for the Committee. Poll each board member eligible to serve again. Pending any openings, contact members agreed upon by the committee to fill such openings. Announce at weekly meeting in October that anyone wishing to stand for office should submit his/her name and position desired in an envelope to the nominating committee. Persons nominated in absentia will not be placed on the ballot unless the nomination is accompanied by a written acceptance from the nominee

The Election Committee has the following responsibilities:

·         present a listing either written or read, at the General/Election Meeting

·         pass out written ballots, collect completed ballots and count the ballots if more than one person running for any office

·         verify votes are from valid Club Members, one vote per member. The Election Committee will announce results. The Election Committee will disband upon the completion of the election.

3.5 Election and Term of Office:   All officers and directors shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at an annual membership meeting once a quorum has been established, and shall serve without compensation.

 All Officers are elected for two years and are limited to two consecutive terms in office. However, in special circumstances e.g. despite active solicitation no one is willing to run for a vacant Board position, a 2/3 vote of the membership voting at the time of the election, individuals may succeed themselves for more than two consecutive terms as an Officer. The term of office shall begin at the discretion of the Executive Board.

3.7 C. Vacancy on CCEB- Removal

Procedure for removal of Club Board members:

Establish an objective investigative committee. Committee members’ recommendations will be submitted to Club Board and Lifestyles Manager to comply with removal process detailed in CAM P&P  3.7 C. If all agree there is justification for removal from office, the remaining Club Board or Investigative Committee will appoint a member to fill open position(s) until such a time as an election can be implemented.

3.8 Powers:  Any member of the Club in good-standing may propose an amendment to Chapter 12. The proposed amendment shall be delivered to the President in writing with a statement setting forth the reasons for the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment must be approved by the Executive Board at a regular meeting before presenting it to the membership. The proposed amendment may then be presented to the general membership for approval at any regularly scheduled membership meeting, but the notice of the meeting must specify in writing the nature of the proposed amendment to be voted on at the membership meeting and such written notice of said meeting must be posted in writing at least 30 days prior to such meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of the membership present shall be required to adopt any amendment to the bylaws, and any such amendment to be adopted at the general membership meeting shall not become effective until the approval of the Activities Director. Amendment changes must use strikethroughs for deletions and italics for additions to the original Chapter 12 before reaching the Activities Director. If the changes to Chapter 12 are approved a new set of the Charter Club’s Chapter 12 must be written without strike-throughs and italics.

3.10 Appointment:  All committees shall have written mission statements.


CHAPTER 4.0 Chartered Club Meetings, Quorum, Voting


4.1. Meetings:

 A. Membership meetings shall be held not less than twice annually, the time and place of such meetings to be determined by the Executive Board.  An agenda should be communicated to CC membership at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled membership meeting. 

B. Meetings of the Officers and the Board. The President may call meetings of the Executive Board at any time by giving notice orally, in writing, or email. The time and place of such meeting shall be determined by the President. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board and, therefore, may conduct any business brought before the Executive Board at such meetings.

4.3 Voting. If more than one member is nominated for any elective position, voting shall be by secret written ballot. The particular procedures for nominations and elections to be followed at such meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board. Should these vacancies not be filled at the General Meeting, the Executive Board shall fill the vacancies as it sees fit.

6.3 Guests. A guest can be anyone with a current CAM Card or a guest of a club member. The club member must accompany the guest during his/ her entire visit to the club. Since members are required to learn the use of certain tools, the tools will not be available for guest use. The club member would need to use these tools for the guest. Consumable products would be unavailable to the guest.

Chapter 7.0 Chartered Club Exclusive Use Assets

All assets of the Club shall be physically inventoried at least once annually, and a written record thereof shall be maintained by the Treasurer. As part of the annual budget process SCGCAM shall provide the CC with a list of their Assets requiring CC reserve expense.

Agreed upon by the Grand Paper Arts and Memories Chartered Club on this date:


__________________________________                                       _____________________

President Paper Arts and Memories                                                        Date


Approved by the Lifestyles Manager on this date:


__________________________________                                      _____________________

Lifestyles Manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date









 Chapter 13 – Paper Arts and Memories Club Specific Rules

Duties of Club Chairpersons

Membership Chairperson shall:

·         submit income received/request for reimbursement forms (club dues) to the Treasurer in a timely and accurate manner

·         compile and maintain a current list of all members and their personal information (including CAM number, mailing address, telephone number and email address)

·         provide Club President and Secretary with current membership roster

·         update membership information on the website and ensure that the personal information is accurate and available per members’ specifications (some members may elect to refrain from posting personal information on the web)

·         maintain an inventory of temporary nametags for use by guests/visitors and members without permanent nametags

·         submit a quarterly membership roster to the President as required by CAM

·         submit semi-annual reports and membership roster (January through June /July through December) of attendance/member participation/guests and visitors to the President as required by CAM

·         send “welcome” notes to new members

·         Maintain a three-year history of club membership including membership rosters for each year.

Monitor Chairperson shall:

·         keep the monitor training information up to date and ready to be distributed to the membership as a whole when dues are paid

·         see that new members have a copy of the monitor orientation information when they pay their dues

·         oversee the sign-ups for monitoring via the PAM website.

·         make announcements to the membership as needed to secure monitors for unfilled dates

·         act as a backup for monitors if questions arise during the Monday sessions (all Board members will assist in this capacity)

Program Chairperson shall:

Option 1

·         Work with the webmaster to create a sign-in sheet for the scheduling of instructional classes, workshops and field trips.

·         Include the entire membership as part of the Program Planning Committee, encouraging all members to come up with potential ideas for classes, workshops and field trips.

·         Acquire the necessary products and tools for the class; create and control the class sign-up sheet. Collecting class fees is the responsibility of the instructors.

·         All fees are submitted to the Treasurer with documented expenses. Instructors will be reimbursed in the form of a check.

Option 2

·         Head a committee that meets on a regular basis to plan classes, workshops, field trips etc.

·         Encourage each member to come to meetings with ideas for potential classes and to teach their project to members.

With either option, the Chairperson also provides information regarding Club activities to the webmaster as well as making information available in the Club room.

Tools Chairperson shall:

·         purchase, organize and inventory new tools and equipment

·         make available tool training classes on a regular basis

·         make sure that tools and equipment are ready to use, with replacement parts readily available

·         update inventory list on a regular basis to be sent to CAM as required

·         update sample books that show members what is available. Create samples of items that can be made with tools when possible.

·         develop and update safety rules when necessary

·         ensure that members understand that all the tools and equipment are to be used only in the Club room. They are not available for home use. The only exceptions being when those in charge of tools need to take them to repair, update or replace.

·         ensure that members understand they may not bring personal heat-emitting tools (such as glue guns and embossing equipment), or any type of spray adhesive or paint to Club.


Webmaster Chairperson shall:

·         update the website in a timely manner as needed and keep members informed of Club rules and general communication issues

·         An e-blast is primarily used for important and pertinent information that affects all Club members. It is not to be used for personal messages.

·         use the website to provide one of the main sources of information regarding club activities and procedures.

·         add to the website in a timely manner any Club documents such as meeting minutes, bylaws, rules and procedures, and any other information pertinent to the Club

·         submit current information to the for the Association website (


Publicity Chairperson shall:


·         Send weekly eblasts to Club members containing information about Club activities. Any member wishing to opt out of this service will be able to do so by informing the publicity chair.

·         Represent the Paper Arts and Memories Club at the SCG Welcome Coffees and Fall Fest.

·         Submit and/or edit articles and advertisements in the Lifestyles Magazine, Grand Learning and Grand Resources publications and other SCG announcement services.

·         Provide flyers with information about PA&M. These should be made available at the card boutique and the mailboxes near the SCG library.


 Social Chairperson shall:

·         organize and hosts social events for the Club

·         coordinate the use of CAM facilities and equipment through Club President, who will submit to Room Reservations at the Activities office for social functions

·         ensure that all caterers are from CAM-approved list or are approved by CAM. All caterers must sign an Independent Contractors Agreement.

·         be aware that member-provided food for social functions is considered potluck. Guests of PAM members to potluck events are limited to residents of Grand.


Card Boutique Chairperson shall:

·         coordinate the sales of member-designed cards at the PAM Card Boutique. This includes collecting information related to sales and percentage of sale proceeds required to be given to CAM and to the Club.

·         establish responsibility of members selling via PAM Card Boutique, including monitoring at the Boutique, which promotes fairness and uniformity among card products being sold via the Card Boutique

·         develop a contract for PAM members who wish to sell cards at the PAM Card Boutique.

Charity Chairperson shall:

·         coordinate the charitable endeavors of the Club

·         Ensure all monetary donations are approved by Activities using the Chartered Club donation form.

Sunshine Chairperson shall:

·         extend the sentiments of the members of the Club, with cards, when the occasions arise (Get Well, Sympathy, Thinking of You, etc.)

·         maintain an inventory of the cards needed and encourage member participation in the creation of these cards.


Ambassador Chairperson shall:

·         create a committee of members to give guests a tour of our Paper Arts & Memories club

·         do what is necessary to help Ambassadors be familiar with the various aspects of the club so they can give a tour that is appropriate for the guest. Do this with Group emails, one-on-one contact and/or committee meetings

·         encourage Ambassadors to read the Club’s weekly e-blast to help them stay in-the-know about current activities and to learn which members can help answer questions.

Historian Chairperson shall:

·         keep a visual record of Club activities and events by taking pictures and creating scrapbook pages for the Club album.

Member  Responsibilities:

·         be in good standing with CAM

·         show CAM card at sign-in

·         wear name tags as required for all members and guests

·         learn to use the Club’s tools properly.

·         be aware of our Club by-laws and procedures, available on our website and in our room

·         be willing to help when needed, since our Club relies on member participation to succeed and to retain our charter. CAM requires that members of the Club volunteer to assist the Club when needed, for example, monitoring. To fulfill this obligation, the Club can fill these positions on a voluntary basis or require members to fill these positions in order to remain a member in good standing with the Club.

·         accompany any guest member brings to the Club, staying with them at all time. Guests are not allowed to use our tools and equipment, nor are they allowed to participate in instructional classes. Guests may attend Club 3 times within a year.

·         follow a Code of Conduct established for Charter Club members that is respectful of all members. See CAM required list at Club room.

Club Service Requirements

Monitoring - Each member is required to monitor at least one time per person per year.

·         For each regularly scheduled meeting, two monitors will be assigned to work 7:30-11:00 am and at least one monitor will be assigned to work 11:00 am -2:00 pm. At least one person shall sit at the Monitor Table during the entire Monday session.

The responsibilities will include:

·         working with Tool Monitors to set out the tools and materials on the work surfaces at the beginning of the day. Check and store them away at the end of the meeting.

·         setting up and storing items on the “Monitor” table

·         greeting Visitors

·         checking Ambassador sign-in sheet and introducing Guest to Ambassador.

·         alerting an Ambassador to give guests a tour of our Club when requested.

·         refer new members to Membership Chair or a board member if Membership Chair is not available


Fill out Incident/Accident Report as needed and give to the President or Board member. (This report is then submitted to CAM). Board members should be aware of location of phone and EAED machines in case of emergency

For any questions regarding club monitoring, contact the Monitor Chairperson

Club Etiquette and Safety

·         Keep rolling bags under your table and out of the aisles. Not just etiquette, fire safety requires access as well.

·         Members should wear Name Tags when using Club equipment

·         Clean up around your work area when you are finished, at both the tables and counters.

·         Return tools to their original places when finished using them.

·         Be aware of the time restrictions for the use of certain tools, and when a time is not posted, be aware of the need for other members to use them as well.

·         No food is to be eaten at the work tables or counters.

·         All drinks must have a lid.

Consignment & resale activities

To ensure that the PAM Card Boutique is an equal opportunity venture for all members of the Paper Arts and Memories Club, boutique members will adhere to the following rules:

·         To allow equal participation, each member may have no more than 50 cards for sale at one time. The Card Boutique Chair may revise the amount if appropriate.

·         There is no set minimum of cards allowed for sale.

·         There is a maximum of 5 holiday cards per member to be displayed at one time. Holiday cards will be displayed on the “holiday card carousel” starting one month before the holiday.

·         Boutique participants may check their holiday inventory throughout the day and replenish cards to meet the maximum of five all day, but be considerate of customers and do not crowd the cashier area.

·         After the holiday, if the member does not pick up your cards, they will be placed in safe keeping until the member can pick them up.

·         Members will price their own products. All prices will be set at even amounts (ex. $2.00, $3.00, etc.) Do not price cards below $2.00.

·         Members who would like to sell at the card boutique must sign a contract agreeing to abide by the rules and guidelines. An identification number, chosen by the members, will be provided by the Club.

·         If a member who has stopped selling later chooses to return to selling via the Card Boutique, they may use their old number but must complete a new contract.

·         Members will not promote their own inventory. There will be no identifying marks (names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or initials) anywhere on the card or in the sleeve. Non-conforming cards will be removed and given to the member to be corrected. All cards and paper crafted items will be displayed equally. If a customer wants more than one of the displayed items the monitor will identify you and arrange for you to come out to meet the customer.

·         Participating boutique members should purchase the cellophane sleeves and perforated tags from the Club. Bags for customer purchases will be provided by the Club.

·         Participating members may place cards or check on their cards during operating hours, but should not check their inventory until after the Card Boutique monitors have set up, and please be considerate of customers. If a member cannot be present, they can ask another boutique member to place their inventory, but should not rely on the Card Boutique monitors. All new cards must be placed in the back of the respective boxes.

·         Each seller may display one card. If you would like to sell small gift items, the product must be able to fit in the sleeve. No large items. Gift items take the place of a displayed card. Any small gift items must be able to fit on the sleeve. Large items or food items of any sort may not be sold.

·         Members should fill out both portions of the perforated tag on the FRONT of the tag and placed on the right inside front of the sleeve so that the envelope does not cover the price. The card must be neat with no ink smudges or adhesive residue showing. All embellishments must be fastened tightly so they do not fall off. All cards must fit in the sleeve.

·         Members selling via the card boutique should not copy other members cards. Please be careful when using the same stamp or technique as others.

·         Members who have signed a Card Boutique contract must monitor at the Card Boutique 3 times a year. Sign up to monitor via the PAM website. Monitoring at the Card Boutique is in addition to the monitor requirements for PAM.

·         The Card Boutique monitors should begin setting up at 7:30 a.m. Both Card Boutique monitors should count the money in the cash box before opening for business. At the end of the Monitor’s shift, both Monitors will count the money, tally the ticket stubs and record the amount on the summary sheet for the day and seal both the summary sheet and money in the envelope provided. Mark the date and amount on the envelope and give it to the PAM Treasurer. The stubs shall be placed in a plastic baggie with the date on it and placed in the “stub box” 

·         Checks will be dispersed on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise specified. Please cash your check as soon as possible. If the members is not present, the check will be held until the next week or mailed to them. Members need to provide a supply of self-addressed stamped envelopes to the Card Boutique Chair.






Agreed upon by the Grand Paper Arts and Memories Chartered Club on this date:


_____________________________                                       _____________________

President Paper Arts and Memories                                                        Date


Approved by the Lifestyles Manager on this date:

__________________________________                                      _____________________

Lifestyles Manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date


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