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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Class Instruction Information

Paper Arts & Memories Club

  Class Instruction Policy


  •  Our intent is to provide the majority of classes at a participant fee of $3 or less to ensure all card   members may participate. Any exceptions must be approved by Club President
  • On the occasion of a class requiring materials that exceed $3, the participant fee will reflect the additional cost of those required materials. (PAM Club cannot lose money on a class).
  • An Instructor’s participation is voluntary, there is no compensation for sharing their knowledge. 
  • Classes are published to website at least 3 weeks prior to class. 
  • Chairperson will provide a finalized class roster to Club eblast member at least 6 days prior to class


1. All class instructors need to be approved by Chairperson and President. 

2. Limit of 15 participants per class. (Any exception must be pre-approved by Club President.) A “wait          list” will be created if participant demand exceeds the class limit. 

3. Instructors must provide class info to Chairperson 4 weeks prior to class so class can be published to          the web.

             Information needed:

 Name of Class/Card Name                             Description of Card  

 Instructor Name/Assistant Name                    Supplies participant needs to bring

 Class Date                                                       Supplies instructor will provide

  Number of Participants                                  One digital image of card

 Cost of Class 

4. If a registered participant cancels, it is the Instructor’s responsibility to assign a replacement after review of the “wait list”. The participant may not offer their spot to another member. 4. a. If such a change occurs, it is the Instructor’s responsibility to inform both parties. 

 5. If the Instructor does not receive payment within 7 days prior to class, the Instructor must inform the Participant they will be removed from the program. The Instructor will identify a replacement. (See 4. a.) 

 6. Instructors must provide Chairperson a finalized roster of paid participants 6 days prior to start of class.

 7. Instructors may not make a profit. Instructors must provide any needed class supplies at the cost they paid, whether wholesale or retail.

 8. Instructors are requested to not offer class kits to those who do not register/attend the class. The classes are meant to be participatory.

 9. Any Instructor that is affiliated with a company e.g. Stampn’Up, Creative Memories etc., may not promote that company (selling of products) during class either verbally or in written form (logo’d instruction sheets, catalogs, etc.). 

10. When a hearing impaired person enrolls in a class, Instructor needs to inform the Class President so an Interpreter can be obtained to assist. 

 11. It is recommended that instructors make use of Club owned equipment (e.g., dies and punches), whenever possible. They may also use Club materials, such as, paper/cardstock, which may be available in classroom cabinet. 

12. Instructors may complete an Instructor Class Reimbursement Form (on PAM website) for reimbursement of materials necessary for class. Receipts are required. 


1. Those wishing to participate in a PAM instructional class, may register on the PAM website.

2. Participants must make payment to the Instructor at least 7 days prior to class. If payment is not made, the Instructor will remove the individual from the class roster and assign another member from the “wait list”. The Instructor will notify both parties of this change. 

3. A “wait list” will be created if participant demand exceeds the class limit. 

4. If a registered Participant is unable to take the class, the Participant must inform the instructor ASAP. 

5. A registered participant who cancels may not offer their spot to another member. This is the sole responsibility of the Instructor.

                                                                                                                     (Effective April 2022

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